About Expert Callers

Call Center Outsourcing Company

ExpertCallers Specializes In Providing Comprehensive Customer Relationship Management Services To Companies Worldwide.

It was in 2002, that we started our operations with a handful of clients and staff, but with plenteous of commitment, rock-solid systems, and knowledgeable resources. By 2008, our dedication paid off, taking our client count to 100+ and staff strength to 2000. By the time we realized we were truly growing, we found our wings spread across three continents. Yes, we owe it to our processes and dedication, but it has got a lot to do with our ability to build and respect relationships. As a company, we strive to break free of the typical client-vendor relationship and build a partnership based on trust and value.

ExpertCallers Specializes In Providing Comprehensive Customer Relationship Management Services To Companies Worldwide.

It was in 2002, that we started our operations with a handful of clients and staff, but with plenteous of commitment, rock-solid systems, and knowledgeable resources. By 2008, our dedication paid off, taking our client count to 100+ and staff strength to 2000. By the time we realized we were truly growing, we found our wings spread across three continents. Yes, we owe it to our processes and dedication, but it has got a lot to do with our ability to build and respect relationships. As a company, we strive to break free of the typical client-vendor relationship and build a partnership based on trust and value.

Key Insights

Founded 2002
Strength 51 to 250
Cost Per Hour Up to $25
Min. Project Amount Less than $5000

Services & Focus



Industry Focus

telecommunications (10%)
manufacturing (10%)
media (10%)
real estate (10%)
retail (10%)
automotive (10%)
business services (10%)
education (10%)
financial & payments (10%)
hospitality & leisure (10%)

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Suite 200, Princeton, NJ 08540, Princeton, New Jersey, USA