Interview with Rejish M Unni, Director- Sales & Marketing - ThinkPalm Technologies

Rejish M Unni Interview on

Rejish M Unni  linkedin

Director- Sales & Marketing, ThinkPalm Technologies

Give us a quick overview on ThinkPalm Technologies. When and how did you begin this journey and what were your motives to be successful in software development?

ThinkPalm Technologies started its journey towards the quest for technological advancement in 2010 with the objective of offering robust solutions through the creation of impactful technology. From a small team of visionary engineers with shared values driven by a passion for innovation; over a period of time, ThinkPalm has built a full-fledged team who possess diverse skills and expertise, ready to tackle any challenges and push the boundaries of innovation. Now ThinkPalm has made its strong presence in the markets of UK, USA, EU, Japan, Israel, Korea and Middle east.

Coming to the second part of the question, at ThinkPalm, our top priorities are quality and customer experience. For me, success is not just all about financial growth, it's about creating empowering solutions that enable businesses to flourish and prosper while improving lives. At ThinkPalm, we uphold a culture of continuous learning, development, and innovation, where we attract and retain the best talents who share our values and vision. Together, we make a difference for building innovative technologies in the world of software development, wireless, AI and IoT. We believe that it gives a big momentum to bring positive changes in the way people implement business.

What is your role in the management and development of ThinkPalm Technologies?

In my role as the Director of Sales and Marketing, I lead the activities that help connect our disruptive technologies with the markets that need them the most. In fact, I work closely with the marketing and sales team to make sure that our products align with customer expectations and demands. Also, I take charge of all initiatives that are directed towards promoting brand awareness.

Tell us about your biggest achievement in the industry.

Indeed, a great question! We have been in the industry for the past 13+ years serving several clients round the globe. We are a reliable partner for some of the prominent companies such as RAD Data Communications, Ribbon Communications, Rambus Security, Synergy Marine Group, Atlas Copco, Cohesity, Renesas.

Recently, one of the proudest moments working as the Director of Sales and Marketing at ThinkPalm was during the successful launch of our flagship product, NetvirE for industrial IoT markets in association with RAD Data Communications. This robust tool enables businesses to manage and streamline industrial assets remotely. The primary goal is to achieve considerable improvements in productivity. Watching NetvirE gaining traction and its adoption across the markets globally has been incredibly amazing!

How do you schedule the marketing phases of various projects creatively?

We usually go creative with scheduling marketing activities. We make use of data to select launch windows, and release content strategically in distinct phases. Also, we participate in industry events to reach out to the markets that need our products the most. We believe it keeps our audience engaged and promotes product launches successfully.

How does ThinkPalm Technologies scheme the pricing model and fix the budget for a project?

First of all, we give top priority to the value our products deliver to our clients. We consider the project's complexity, scope, the positive impact our products and services bring. Also, we maintain open communication with clients during the entire process by providing details on cost breakdowns. Typically, ThinkPalm follows pricing policies based on our engagement models such as fixed bid/turnkey, time and materials (T&M), and offshore development center.

How do you ensure brand consistency across various digital platforms?

I believe ensuring brand consistency is critical for any business. We consider style guides that have proven successful for us in the past.Following the guide helps us to perfectly align our marketing team across all digital platforms. Also, we follow up on our performance on all platforms at regular intervals to see where we stand and identify any anomalies to ensure consistent brand experience for our customers.

What according to you are the best practices to attain client satisfaction?

In my view, there is nothing as effective as clear communication, listening to client needs and ultimately delivering results. We set clear expectations and make open communication by keeping everyone in the loop. Then, we actively listen to our clients’ needs and customize our solutions to tackle their pain points. It further demonstrates that we genuinely care about their goals and value them. But, in the end, the ultimate key to making clients happy is delivering powerful solutions that make a significant difference in the way they do business by addressing their specific challenges and fixing them with our unique solutions.

What are your thoughts about AI and Internet of Things (IoT)?

The adoption of AI and IoT in modern-day business is really exciting. Both AI and IoT will continue to dominate industries across the world. Also, it opens several opportunities and helps businesses to perform with maximum efficiency and give their customers what exactly they want. ThinkPalm is at the forefront of the AI/IoT revolution and recently we have launched our flagship industrial IoT platform NetvirE, which is used for monitoring assets remotely, predicting maintenance needs, and ultimately helping to achieve a much higher productivity. NetvirE can be integrated with all types of edge devices to manage large number of assets.

Your thoughts on the future of marketing in this continuously digitizing business world.

The future of marketing signifies building strong connections in the digital world. We focus on the customer journeys, adopt the best strategies in personalizing content, promote micro level approach to engagement across all customer touch points to transform marketing from meagre product promotion to creating long-standing relationships.

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