Why Should You Choose AngularJS For Web App Development?

Avantika Shergil By Avantika Shergil  |  Sep 4, 2023  |  Frameworks
AngularJS For Web App Development

Let’s accept it: Creating an online presence is all-important to inform the target audience about offerings/services or sell them. The website will do it 24/7 which no employee can do. However, it’s possible when website design and functionality make the users feel that the business perfectly understands the challenges and answers them promptly.

Here, technology plays a vital role in making the web app built in reduced time with an elegant design that impresses the users at first sight. Angular.js- the JS framework stands out as the best technology that powers millions of web applications with such a paint that never dries due to several upgrades.

Angular.js framework is used to develop around 392,763 websites, that’s 1.19% of the total websites available on the internet. It’s used in different industry verticals in different percentages.

Angular JS Industry Verticals

The growing usage of the frontend framework- Angular.js is a clear indication that it’s leveraged at scale for web app development. In this blog, we will understand how Angular.js is advantageous for web app development followed by its brief overview and its features.

What is Angular.js?

Angular.JS, often simply referred to as “Angular,” is an open-source front-end JavaScript framework developed and maintained by Google. It was initially released in 2010 and gained significant popularity for building dynamic, single-page web applications (SPAs). Angular.JS allows angular.js developers to create dynamic and interactive web applications by providing a structured framework for organizing code and handling various aspects of web development. That’s why angular.js development companies use angular for different types of application development such as weather, video streaming, and M-commerce.

Multiple versions of Angular have been released to address some of the limitations of Angular.JS and to take advantage of modern web development practices. Angular.JS has been largely replaced by newer versions of Angular and other modern JavaScript frameworks like React and Vue.js. However, AngularJS still has a presence in legacy applications, and its concepts have influenced the development of subsequent frameworks.

What does Angular.js feature?

Angular.JS features several key components and concepts that make it a powerful framework for building dynamic web applications. Here are some prominent features of Angular:

Two-way Data Binding

AngularJS introduces two-way data binding, where changes in the model (JavaScript objects) are automatically reflected in the view (HTML), and vice versa. This feature reduces the need for manual DOM manipulation and keeps the UI in sync with the data.


AngularJS uses HTML templates to define the structure of the UI. Templates can include Angular-specific syntax and directives to bind data, display dynamic content, and create reusable components.


Directives extend HTML syntax with custom behavior. They are special attributes that apply logic and manipulate the DOM elements. Directives like ng-model, ng-repeat, and ng-click are integral to building dynamic interfaces and interactions.


Controllers handle the application’s logic and data flow. They act as intermediaries between the model (data) and the view (UI). Controllers are defined in JavaScript and are responsible for initializing the scope, which is the context in which data is accessible in the view.

Dependency Injection

Dependency injection helps with managing component dependencies. This promotes modularity, testability, and separation of concerns. Dependencies are provided through the framework’s injector system.


The ngRoute module provides routing capabilities, allowing developers to create single-page applications with multiple views based on URL changes. This provides a smoother user experience without full-page reloads.

Testing Support

AngularJS emphasizes testability with tools like dependency injection, mock services, and unit testing frameworks. This makes it easier to write tests for various components of the application.

Modularity and Reusability

AngularJS promotes modular development by encouraging the creation of reusable components, including custom directives and services.

The business benefits of using Angular.js for web development

Angular.JS provides several advantages when used for web development projects. Here are some reasons to showcase why it’s best to consider.

Enhanced User Experience

Business web applications succeed only when they manage to appeal to the target audience. Otherwise, users take no time moving to the competitor’s website.

Angular.JS enables the creation of dynamic and interactive user interfaces. With features like two-way data binding and directives, developers can build seamless and responsive user experiences that engage users and keep them coming back to the application.

Faster Development

The famous statement- early bird gets the early advantage goes well with businesses looking to reach out to a large user base with web app development.

AngularJS’s structure and features simplify development tasks, leading to faster project completion. The framework provides tools for data binding, dependency injection, and reusable components, which reduce the need for writing repetitive code and speed up the development process.

Modular Architecture

Business web development projects are mostly dynamic that sometimes need changes when the web development is ongoing.

AngularJS promotes modular development by encouraging the creation of components like directives and services. This modular approach enhances code organization, reusability, and maintainability. It’s easier to manage and scale applications when the codebase is divided into manageable components.

Code Reusability

Writing the same piece of code for the same functionality doesn’t make any sense. Instead, it wastes a lot of time and effort of developers’ valuable hours.

With directives and services, developers can create reusable UI components and business logic. This accelerates development as developers can leverage existing components in different parts of the application, reducing redundant work and promoting consistency.

Improved Maintainability

During web development, it’s implausible to say which part of the web requires changes and at which point of development. Sometimes, the app’s architecture makes it difficult to make changes at a later stage as it affects other code snippets.
AngularJS’s clear separation of concerns through its MVC architecture and dependency injection system makes code maintenance easier. Changes in one part of the web application are less likely to cause unintended consequences in other parts.


Enhancing the web app’s design and functionalities is essential to stay up-to-date with the evolving users’ preferences and market trends. Not all of the tech stack of the app support scalability. Bingo! Angular facilitates the same.

As applications grow in complexity and size, AngularJS’s modular architecture and separation of concerns make it easier to scale up without introducing excessive complexity. New features can be developed and integrated without disrupting the existing codebase.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

More than 50% of web app users access the web application through mobile devices. It’s essential to make the web app works glitch-free on different devices without any resolution issue.

Angular.JS supports responsive web design, allowing applications to adapt to various screen sizes and devices. Thereby, in today’s mobile-first world, users can access applications from a wide range of devices, be it Android or iOS. Hire Angular.js developers to make the web app work on all screen sizes.

SEO-Friendly Applications

Businesses can increase their reach to users when the website ranks first on the first page of search engines. It’s important to SEO-optimize the website.

AngularJS supports server-side rendering, which can help improve search engine optimization (SEO) by making the application content accessible to search engines. This is particularly beneficial for applications that rely on search engine traffic.

Rapid Prototyping

It’s better to test the water rather than reinvent the wheel. This saying fits well with the business need of testing product web app ideas with prototype development rather than building a full-fledged solution.

AngularJS’s declarative approach and data binding enable programmers to quickly create prototype of ideas and concepts. This agility can help businesses iterate through concepts, gather feedback, and make informed decisions before committing to a full-scale development effort.

Reduced Development Costs

The combination of faster development, better maintainability, and reusable components can lead to cost savings over the long term. It reduces the time and effort required to build, test, and maintain applications, ultimately resulting in a lower total cost of ownership.

For businesses with existing applications built using AngularJS, it can be more cost-effective to modernize those applications rather than rewriting them from scratch. This can extend the life of existing software while incorporating modern features and practices.

Recommend to Read More JavaScript Frameworks for Web Applications

Convinced with your choice for Angular.JS?

Businesses look for technology or framework for web app development project that benefits them in every way. angular brilliantly meets different aspects of web app development needs.

AngularJS’s business benefits stem from its ability to accelerate development, enhance user experiences, and provide a foundation for building maintainable and scalable web applications. Besides, the framework has been succeeded by newer versions of Angular and other modern frontend frameworks, which may offer additional features and improvements.

Businesses should consider their specific needs and the current technology landscape when deciding on a front-end framework. When unsure, consulting angular.js web app development services would help you.

Avantika Shergil Avantika Shergil   |  Sep 4, 2023

An enthusiastic Operations Manager at TopDevelopers.co, coordinating and managing the technical and functional areas. She is an adventure lover, passionate traveler, an admirer of nature, who believes that a cup of coffee is the prime source to feel rejuvenated. Researching and writing about technology keeps her boosted and enhances her professional journeying.


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