The Extensive Guide To Know Laravel Microservices

Avantika Shergil By Avantika Shergil  |  Dec 29, 2023  |  Laravel Developement
Laravel Microservices – All You Need to Know!

Microservices is the foremost choice for building, testing, and deploying scalable applications. This architectural approach involves developing applications by breaking it into smaller, manageable tasks. Laravel web development facilitates microservice where a collection of independent services enables microservices implementation. This article will introduce Laravel as a microservice, the advantages of Laravel microservice, and when to consider Laravel microservice architecture followed by microservice architecture development by using Laravel Lumen framework.

What Is Laravel?

The open-source PHP web framework has an elegant templating engine, routing, expressive syntax, and others that allow building web applications faster. Eloquent ORM enables developers to interact with the databases using simple syntax and MVC architecture to streamline the development process. Developer-friendly framework provides RBAC and authorization tools, supports testing through PHPUnit, and facilitates database scheme management and routing system. Laravel also includes a Laravel console that allows Laravel developers to perform various tasks at speed.

What are Microservices?

Microservices are the collection of independently deployable services that are compact and modular. The microservices are leveraged for executing various operations that interact seamlessly through language-agnostic APIs. Different programming languages are used to create microservices that are manageable by the development team.

Microservice is loosely coupled and is completely testable and maintainable, which makes it perfect for complex, accelerated web application development.

Introduction to Laravel as a Microservice

Laravel emerged as the topmost choice for building scalable microservices. It makes developing website features easier with Artisan as it streamlines everyday web development tasks, manages migrations, runs tests, and generates code scaffolding. Independent deployment and component-based architecture facilitated by Laravel make it the right fit for microservice development as it enables the creation of services that communicate with each other using APIs. RESTful APIs stay at the heart of communication between microservices and are painless with Laravel.

Each microservice manages its own data, and Laravel’s Eloquent ORM helps simplify database interactions. Asynchronous processing that allows microservices to communicate to complete tasks becomes a breeze with Laravel’s built-in queue system.

What is Laravel Microservice Architecture?

Laravel frameworks that are widely used for custom web app development provide a range of tools required for development. Laravel is used for implementing microservices when businesses want to build a new application from scratch or refactoring a legacy application. Also, when companies are facing issues with application maintenance, scaling, or productivity, the Laravel microservice is a good solution.

Microservice architecture unifies Laravel applications in a modular way using APIs that connect them. Individual Laravel apps act like small building blocks that communicate using Laravel APIs. Laravel microservice enables dynamic scaling of components up and down without impacting other components. Separate update and release cycles for different components make maintenance more accessible with the Laravel microservice.

Advantages of Laravel Microservices

Understanding the benefits of Laravel microservices would help in knowing why the business should leverage them for application development. Take a look at the advantages to check if it’s a good fit or not.

Enhanced Productivity

The development and maintenance become more accessible and faster when it is accomplished in small, autonomous tasks. Businesses can choose any language, technology, or production environment to build and manage the microservices distinctively. Modules with small code facilitate easier scaling and deploying of services that further enable dividing tasks among the development team. This helps in faster execution compared to working on large monolithic applications.

Enable Team Autonomy

Laravel microservice boasts for individual execution and deployment when the application needs upgrades or improvements on an ongoing basis. When the Laravel microservices are distributed among the team individually, the team members work on the specific functionality without needing to be concerned about how the rest of the application is working. Independent deployment of Laravel microservices enables team autonomy.

Upgrading and maintaining the web app is effortless with Laravel microservice. The microservice enables the introduction of new features or upgrade of existing features separately without affecting other functionalities of the web application. Thereby, the team can roll out upgrades with no downtime.

Best Handle Failures

Businesses look for Laravel microservice to quickly examine which service has failed without impacting other services. It facilitates a system design that can handle individual service failures and remove the barriers before they stop the application from functioning. Laravel microservice involves completely independent services, which makes deployment on a variety of virtual machines easier and simpler. Plus, when anything goes wrong, the system won’t crash. Instead, the specific service stops working.

High Compatibility

Businesses can hire a Laravel development team without needing to check their technology proficiency, as microservices are created in any language. Laravel microservice offers the flexibility to develop services using any programming language, framework, or data storage system. For instance, notification services are built using Node.JS while the back-end Laravel services focus on logic of business.


DevOps teams often select the technology stack that’s scalable and powerful for application development. They need to check for compatibilities, which are difficult to find in technologies. Laravel microservices end this need with their compatibility capability with all technologies and programming languages. When new component addition is required without downtime, microservice helps with the same. Also, sudden increase in traffic can be balanced and duplicated without affecting rest of the application. This type of scaling benefits in performance increase and cost saving.

Appropriate for Large Applications

Microservices are decentralized by nature, making them suitable for large and enterprise applications. The modular approach of Laravel microservices helps to overcome any complexity and upgradation of the applications.

When should you opt to go for Laravel microservices?

Developers use Laravel microservices in different business projects that depend on internal development scenarios. Here are some of them:

  • When integration with APIs or external services is required.
  • Component-based applications getting high traffic.
  • Application development scenarios where using different programming languages is essential.
  • When applications with dynamic requirements or complex features need to be built.
  • Monolithic application facing scaling issues.
  • Existing applications need to be enhanced with more functionalities.
  • An outdated monolithic application needs to be broken and revamped in parts.
  • Require integration with external services or APIs
  • Large-scale, enterprise-size application needs to be developed from scratch.

Why should you consider Laravel Microservice?

Businesses interested in Laravel development are looking for microservice architecture leverage to reap the benefits of Laravel microservice. It enables faster and easier development of certain services using API calls followed by a range of benefits. They are-

Independent Deployment

Laravel microservice involves services that are completely independent which makes deployment on a variety of virtual machines easier and simpler. Plus, when anything goes wrong, the system won’t crash. Instead, the specific service stops working.

Upgrade and Maintenance Get Simpler

Upgrading and maintaining the web app is effortless with Laravel microservice. It enables introducing new features or upgrading existing features separately without affecting other functionalities of the application. Thereby upgrades are rolled out with no downtime.

It’s Versatile

Laravel microservice provides the flexibility to create services using any programming language, framework, or data storage system. For instance, notification services are built using Node. JS.

Strengthened Module Boundaries

By dividing the larger application and creating smaller modules Laravel microservice increases the performance and decreases downtime of application. It also shows the prowess of the development team.

How do you build microservices with Laravel Lumen?

Scalable microservices are quickly built using the Laravel Lumen framework. Let’s go through this tutorial to learn how.

Lumen project setup

The Lumen project starts with the installation of the latest version of the composer. It helps create a new Lumen codebase on top of which developers can build microservices.


In the .env file, database details are provided to configure them, which helps microservices quickly establish a connection with the database.



The migration file that’s created inside the migration directory automatically creates database tables by running the migrate command.

php artisan make: migration create_abs_table


A simple test route is defined in web.php to ensure that defined routes are working as expected.

$router->get(‘/ping’, function() {
return ‘pong’;


Laravel facilitates Artisan, which is used to generate a PostController, which is where API logic is defined. A model namespace is essentially imported at this step.

php artisan make: controller PostController


The models leveraged to interact with the database table seamlessly are generated in the Model namespace in the following way.

php artisan make: model Models/Post

Database seeding

Populating database tables with data is done with database seeding so that developers will have the data to work ahead.

php artisan db: seed


APIs are requested to test the microservices, ensuring they are working as defined without any glitches.

Does Laravel fits well for microservice?

Laravel emerged as significant technology for microservice as it eases individual microservice development, ensures seamless communication between services, and building a unified system made up of smaller microservices. Lumen framework allows building custom Laravel microservices project that scale as business grows. Laravel development company will help you build modernized microservice architecture using Lumen framework. Start working on it today!

Avantika Shergil Avantika Shergil   |  Dec 29, 2023

An enthusiastic Operations Manager at, coordinating and managing the technical and functional areas. She is an adventure lover, passionate traveler, an admirer of nature, who believes that a cup of coffee is the prime source to feel rejuvenated. Researching and writing about technology keeps her boosted and enhances her professional journeying.


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