Top 10 Mobile App Development Mistakes And Their Solutions

Avantika Shergil By Avantika Shergil  |  May 20, 2022  |  App Development
mobile app development mistakes

The app ecosystem is continuously growing with app downloads reached to 37 billion in Q1 of 2022. With 11% year-over-year growth across both platforms- the Apple store and Google play store to showcase the intensified user spending on apps that reached $33 billion, which is up by 42% from the last two years.
It signals the mobile app development market has not reached its peak yet.

Well, there’s an app for everything. But still, there are some territories left unexplored in a saturated market that give an edge to the businesses. On the flip side, the businesses launching the unique app solution find it challenging to survive and prosper in the market.

The app’s success rate is quite lower despite the app being released in abundance. In the age of precision and accuracy, pouring in time, efforts, and dollars into building a high-performance, bug-free, secure, and reliable app is imperative. A single mobile app development mistake can make the users uninstall the app which leads to mobile app failure.

There are many apps such as Vine, Hailo, Auctionata, Google wave, YikYak, and Rdio that have failed after a couple of months or years of launch. The app developers who cook the recipe for mobile app success using the right ingredients can destroy the app with silly mobile app development mistakes and erroneous business practices. It’s crucial to prevent all the things that result in mobile app failures.

The top app development companies have the best mobile app developers that ensure the common development mistakes won’t occur to make the app create a huge buzz in the market. The blog states all the reasons that lead to mobile app failures and the solutions to overcome them.

Which are the mobile app development mistakes that make the app fail?

Unable to fill the void

In the dynamic age, people expect to see new things in your mobile app. When the app features or USP lacks originality, it makes the user feel that it’s a replica of existing apps, which deters them to use the application. This development blunder won’t make your app succeed or thrive in the long run.

Solution: Build the one-of-a-kind app that’s meticulously engineered to perfection to bridge the gap in the market using mobile technology. When the users’ real-life problems gets resolved with the mobile app, the users are likely to repetitively visit and use the app.

No in-depth research

The business cannot achieve success with an app if it does not deliver the right thing to the right audience at the right time. You cannot serve users when you don’t know what they want. It indicates in-depth research and proper analysis are all-important to identify what users expect. For instance, when a business invests a lot of money to build an app for retail offerings, then it’s necessary to do homework regarding what the competition is doing, the target audience expects, and evolving trends. If it’s not done, soon the users bin the app.

Solution: Playing a guessing game put the app’s future in dark. It’s necessary to paint a clear picture of users’ expectations and competition to pave the way for success. The proper research and analysis enable the app to reach the right place.

 Unsure of the number of platforms

Before creating a project’s scope and rolling out the project on the development floor, it’s important to decide the platform on which the app is to be shipped. The platform selection is a critical process that needs to be pre-decided. Otherwise, ensuring an epic success is implausible. For instance, Apple audience is ready to pay more for unique features that renders the best experience, which is not a case with Android userbase. It’s better to create and launch the app on those platforms where the audience gives importance to the premium features.

Solution: At first study, on which platform your target audience is most active. It mitigates the risk of building an app for the platform where acquiring users becomes a hard nut to crack. Well, Android and iOS are the popular platforms that cover a wide range of audiences, but starting with one platform and then extending the app to other platforms can help you.

Adding features in an unbalanced way

The feature-rich app that solves real-life problems is good, but the overdose of anything is not good. The same goes for building too many features in the app. The app with basic features must be complemented with unique features to keep up with the competition.

However, sometimes, the appreneurs end-up loading the app with too many features that confuse or overwhelm users. The excessive features create an adverse impact on the app’s usability and the experience it renders. The increased complexity leads to mobile app failure.

Solution: Launching an app with basic features that target users expect is good to go. Later, enhancing the app gradually with extra features is the best practice that helps in analyzing the users’ reaction to the new additions and app performance.

Terrible user experience

This is an age of experience where users are ready to pay more for the best experiences. It indicates that businesses need to invest extra time, resources, and dollars to make the app deliver a wow experience.

For instance, the large number of fields on the registration page makes the onboarding process tiresome which deters the users from completing the registration process, that’s necessary to use the app. The poor navigation structure won’t allow the users to get to the page they are looking for. It makes the users look to the competition for seamless onboarding and navigation.

Solution: The in-depth user research, bringing design thinking, and considering user feedback help in engineering the user experience that users are raving for. It makes the users interested and engaged in offerings.

 Overlooking tech stack

The long loading times make the app work slow. The users won’t like to stay with an app that takes more than 3 seconds to load any page. For instance, the users take no time in moving away from the M-commerce store, if it takes a little longer to load a page or image.
Sometimes, it occurs, when the server cannot handle the increasing number of requests during peak times. The downtime of a couple of seconds costs millions of dollars of loss to the company and poor experience.

Solution: The developers can prevent the mobile app development mistake with robust backend development leveraging advanced app development technologies. The cloud server allow app to easily accommodate the increasing number of requests with scalability feature.

Poorly optimized marketing strategies

The wrong belief of building and launching the application will automatically bring the audience to the app leading to mobile app failures. Instead, the app marketing strategy is planned before the app launch. This mistake won’t bring the app before the target audience.

Solution: The MVP launch enable businesses to test the app idea in the market and can build a buzz before the full-fledged solution released. The planned releases along with UX strategies help in augmenting the user experience in gradual releases.

Not responding to feedback

You have got the best app features engineered in the app to improve its usability and user experience. That’s great. But the efforts go in vain, if the users’ reviews regarding features, UI, and app flow are not considered. It’s like the app is selling something without knowing customers’ expectations. This mobile app development mistake is disastrous for the app that ruins loyalty and even, existing users stop using the app.

Solution: The developers can avoid this slip-up by iterating the app according to user feedback so that the app always stands up to the customers’ expectations. It makes the customers feel that the app cares for what they expect, which makes them feel valued. It engages the users and improves user retention.

 Fail to engage the users with unfriendly UI design

The app UI acts as a cover page of the book that people judge before they browse the internal pages. It creates an indelible impression on the users at first glance. When the UI is loaded with so many design elements, weird color contrasts, and large-size images, it creates chaos that deters the users from using the app.

Solution: The mobile app designers should pay extra attention to minimalistic design, that’s in trend. A clean interface with an optimal number of designs and no resolution issues is preferred. The minimum use of animations ensures good performance. Keep the navigation seamless so that users can easily move from one page to another hassle-free.

Core app idea duplication

Creating clones of the existing popular apps is commonly seen nowadays, but its’ not healthy for the app’s future. After some time, this strategy makes the businesses fail. Even, the app stores have strict guidelines and rules that scan the app that lacks originality. Such apps fail to win the users as they lack USP.

Solution: Taking a gist of the existing app is not bad at all. Remember, the on-demand taxi apps launched after Uber taxi has gained enough traction when they used the on-demand model but implemented the unique features. This strategy makes the app stand out and increases the probability of business success.

Clone App Development – A Complete Guide

Wrapping it up
No one other than a mobile app development company understands well how to build an app. Sometimes, the development mistakes which they are unaware of can kill the app after it’s released. The best way is to learn from the mistakes that existing players have made and ensure to not repeat the same. When the app is under development, don’t forget to test the various aspects of the app as aforementioned to identify the mistakes made and resolve them with the right solution. This is a roadmap for successful app development and launch.

Avantika Shergil Avantika Shergil   |  May 20, 2022

An enthusiastic Operations Manager at, coordinating and managing the technical and functional areas. She is an adventure lover, passionate traveler, an admirer of nature, who believes that a cup of coffee is the prime source to feel rejuvenated. Researching and writing about technology keeps her boosted and enhances her professional journeying.


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