Hiring Remote Developers at Offshore IT Company – Everything You Need to Know

Gillian Harper By Gillian Harper  |  Jul 29, 2021  |  Hire Developers Offshore IT Companies Outsourcing

Software development has gone through giant strides over the last few years. And the offshore outsourcing development trend seems to be booming worldwide. The demand to hire remote developers is also increasing rapidly. There are countless perks of working with an offshore development team we’ll discuss them but first, we’ll look at some related statistics.

The global market size of outsourcing services was $92.5 billion in 2019, with IT outsourcing $66.5 billion out of that. At $45.6 billion, the same market was half that in 2000. Obviously, it has seen rapid growth in the past years. Recently, the global IT outsourcing market was valued at $342.9 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $410.2 billion by 2027.

By 2025, it is estimated that 70% of employees will work remotely. One of the most popular options is to outsource and hire an offshore remote development team. It lets organizations focus on core business tasks and save precious time.

What are the advantages of hiring remote developers?

Across high-growth industries such as manufacturing, retail, and real estate, the demand for outsourcing remote development teams is increasing day by day. Outsourcing helps businesses to get high-quality IT solutions or products developed at affordable rates. Here are some emerging outsourcing destinations across the world.

There are numerous benefits of hiring offshore developers, such as:

The advantages of hiring remote developers

Continuous development

At times, the offshore developers might be working in different time zones, giving your business continuous and essential development support round the clock. Ensuring quicker time to market, remote developers help in continuous development.

Although it might not be possible to recruit a team that works ceaselessly, it is feasible to deploy remote developers that offer maintenance, support, and high-end security. From time to time, communication and consistent schedules will definitely solve technical issues and meet your goals.


One of the best perks of hiring remote developers by outsourcing development services to an IT outsourcing Company overseas is that they offer swift scalability with fewer risk factors. You can hire experts in relative fields with an impressive background to overpass skills deficits. You can ensure quick scalability whether there are stringent deadlines, change in business realities, or during seasonal peaks in business.

A dedicated team of remote developers from an offshore IT Company can control all tasks related to mobile app design and development, web design and development, plugin development, front-end or back-end coding, integrating different aspects into themes, creative design, or customization and embedding the latest technology to your business solution.


One of the best advantages, when you hire remote offshore developers, is that it gives the businesses or owners the flexibility of increasing or decreasing their workforce according to their needs and requirements.

Just as retail shop owners hire seasonal staff for the holiday rush, this is the same way owners can recruit skilled developers from the selected offshore IT Company for temporary spikes or a specific project. There are various hiring models provided by professional IT service providers which businesses can opt from based on their requirements.

Global talent pool

When you choose to hire remote developers, you can escalate creativity along with productivity with a handful of access to talented resources that contribute to your brand’s revenue generation.

The developing team also constantly upgrades skills to meet different project needs and goals. They help in solving complex problems by implementing innovative strategies with an agile workforce.

Focus on core business

For someone who is not a technical entrepreneur, hiring remote developers is the best option. It reduces stress for non-technical founders or owners as they have a lot on their plate and helps them focus more on their core business demands.

This helps the founders focus more on growing their startup venture and other crucial aspects such as client relations, customer services, marketing, sales, and business development. As web experts handle all the development and designing activities, it allows the owners to invest more time in essential business factors.

Augmentation of the in-house team

Remote developers are equipped with specific technical skills and critical expertise required in the project. They help in uplifting the technical knowledge gap in the team.

In a lot of cases, the developers focus on complex issues in development so that the in-house team can complete repetitive tasks. So, they can expand and augment the core strength of in-house teams.

Cost arbitrage

One of the key advantages of hiring offshore developers is it reduces overhead charges. Whether it is a startup or a mid-size business, it saves a lot of expenses and time. It liberates them from investing in infrastructure, training, development, technology, recruitment process, additional benefits, and much more.

Especially for companies looking to scale high in the digital market, hiring remote developers can become a breakthrough.

What is the process to hire Remote Developers?

The demand for specialized programmers is very high but hunting down local talent is a challenge on its own. In order to hire remote developers and build a successful remote development team, you need to follow a well-defined process.

Here we have mapped out a detailed step-by-step process of hiring remote developers:

Project requirements

Before taking any key steps, it is essential to identify the right talent for your project and its requirements. Aligning your goals with the project requirements and then bringing specific developers into the frame would be wise. The next step is to attract remote developers by sharing precise information about your project, level of expertise, tech stack, etc.

Surf without hustle

You will need to surf through the best websites to hire remote developers in order to find the best developers for your project. As you might not know the ability of the IT Company, you might have some hesitation while hiring a remote mobile app development service provider. Under such circumstances, you can go through the company’s portfolio and past work to know more about them. It’s basically a four-step process of researching, listing, scrutinizing, and finalizing. This process needs to be followed if you desire results in your favor.

Developer portfolio

Developer’s portfolio includes their creativity, efficiency, and remote working experience. When you have an interview, you will need to make sure about certain things, such as programming skills and stellar communication skills. As remote developers, your team will need to stay in touch with each other virtually so, on top of written communication skills, scope out for excellent verbal skills. Developers should have a solid understanding of project management tools and the ability to stay on track for project deadlines without having someone hovering over them constantly.

Hire Remote developers based on proficiency

The remote developers you require depend upon your project and its requirements. Based on the business solution you require, some of the most common genres of developers you will need to search are:

Conduct Interview

An essential step in the process to hire remote developers from offshore IT Companies is of course, interviewing them. Knowing their culture, values and skills during the first round of interviews is a crucial step. An interview is also the key to know if the developer is a successful team player or not.

The assets to look out for to make a dedicated remote development team are the developers’ passion, values, and business acumen. and the ability to manage work, as well as priorities in an expeditious environment, is commendable.

Here is a list of questions you can ask to understand the personality traits of the remote developer:

  • What are the strategies you use to break tasks into manageable pieces?
  • Do you have any experience in working remotely?
  • How do you overcome challenges faced during remote work?
  • Are you familiar with task management apps and project management tools?
  • Have you solved any noteworthy technical problems in your previous projects?
  • What are the tools and workforce you use to ensure quality and security?
  • Are you confident in working independently without any significant input from others?
  • What are you currently doing to grow your skills?

Technical round

After you are finished with the interview round, and you think that the candidate might be a good fit for your project, the next crucial step is to conduct a technical screening. In this technical round, you will need to evaluate the technical skills and knowledge in depth.

Many technical assessment tools help you assess candidates’ proficiency in technical skills, especially coding. These pre-employment testing solutions provide businesses with multiple options to tests varying levels of difficulty. To take it up a notch, you can also assign a trial project to find the developers’ logical thinking, problem-solving, analytical, and coding knowledge.

Different hiring models

A hiring model defines the collaboration between outsourcing vendors and clients. It facilitates a base for healthy business relationships and defines the level of accountability and control required in the development process. With the help of thorough analysis and knowledge, select the model that best suits our needs. You will be offered the following three models when it comes to an engagement model:

Fixed cost model:
When the project requirements, the scope of work are clear and the project is rather small, a fixed-cost model can be chosen. It relieves clients from the risks of unexpected complications. The project budget is predetermined and agreed upon at the beginning of the cooperation.

Time and material model:
Under this model, the client pays only for the resources and time spent on the assigned project. If the whole vision of the final product is unclear, then this model is the best option. It is negotiable and can be used according to a monthly, weekly, daily, or hourly basis for the number of resources, work, and tasks applied in the process.

Dedicated hiring model:
In this model, when a client chooses to hire dedicated developers, it renders close coordination with offshore resources including flexibility and control over the funds. Within this model, the outsourcing offshore development company provides skilled developers that are experienced to meet the clients’ requirements in significant time.

Related: Hire Dedicated Web Developers Team: Comprehensive Guide

Are there any challenges faced in the process of hiring remote developers?

Like any other project or process, there will be many challenges and factors to keep in mind while associating with a remote development team. We have prepared an overview of overcoming those challenges for a hassle-free process:


Although remote working is not entirely new to developers, it still has not reached the sophistication level of full-scale work. The remote development team should make extra efforts to make sure that the productivity levels in the team remain optimal. Here are a few things you can do to maintain productivity throughout the project:

  • Prioritizing tasks and creating an individual schedule
  • Using automated processes and tools
  • Streamlining practical workflow; leveraging project collaboration tools
  • Increasing real-time productivity and collaborating among the team, use top tools and technologies
  • Minimizing bugs, increasing information and feedback sharing

Team spirit

Boosting team spirit not only enables people to work together but also encourages values like cooperation and camaraderie. It is an integral part of building a successful team. Here is a list of things you can do to boost your remote development teams’ morale:

  • Communicate frequently and set clear expectations.
  • Encourage them to innovate but also give them honest feedback.
  • Analyze affinity towards work culture and evaluate team spirit.
  • Host remote team-building activities.
  • Promote communication, and host video conferences.
  • Stay transparent across your team and build trust naturally.
  • Give encouraging shout-outs and appreciation.


With remote working, the biggest concern for any business is security.  As developers need to access vulnerable data and resources, there is always a threat of phishing, hacking, social engineering, malware, and ransomware attacks. Here are a few things you can do to avoid such data security risks:

  • One of the easiest ways to protect your data is by using complex passwords and multi-factor authentication.
  • You should also make sure that the remote developers follow all the guidelines to implement strict security policy.
  • Legally recognized contracts, such as NDA, should be signed to protect your ideas and data.
  • You must set high-security standards and conventional security infrastructure for software developers.

Also Read: Outsourcing vs In-House App Development: Which is Right one for Your Business?


To ensure business continuity amidst this pandemic, several companies have adopted new ways to safeguard the health and grow business. There is a sudden need to re-imagine and reevaluate new ways of working. One such way to continuously develop a quality business solution is by hiring remote developers from an offshore IT company. The outsourcing market has seen rapid growth in the past years. So, it’s safe to say that hiring remote developers is cost-effective and efficient in developing web and mobile solutions.

Gillian Harper Gillian Harper   |  Jul 29, 2021

A professionally engaged blogger, an entertainer, dancer, tech critic, movie buff and a quick learner with an impressive personality! I work as a Senior Process Specialist at Topdevelopers.co as I can readily solve business problems by analyzing the overall process. I’m also good at building a better rapport with people!


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