10 Security Issues Developers need to Avoid for Secure App Development

Avantika Shergil By Avantika Shergil  |  Jun 16, 2022  |  App Development App Security
Security issues of app

The global application security market is projected to grow to $9.39 billion in 2022 at a CAGR of 22.4%.

The increased investment in app’s security ensures that the companies are augmenting the spending on making the app secure. The shift toward safeguarding mobile apps is supported by a couple of more figures.

  • 25% of mobile applications contain at least one security issue.
  •  82% of Android devices are prone to at least one out of 25 security issues.
  •  35% of communications occurring through mobile are unencrypted, which means one-third is data standing on the verge of exposure.

It indicates that the app development companies are helping their clients take proactive measures to detect and prevent the attacks in real-time. The developers are taking extra mobile app security measures in addition to best app features development to avoid the unfortunate consequences of unsecured apps.

Top 10 mobile application security threats that developers should avoid for building secure apps.

To reverse the development attacks that make the app vulnerable, here, we have enlisted the common mobile app security threats that mobile app developers should keep tabs on.

Master error-free coding

Reverse engineering is a common phenomenon in the coding space. The fraudsters often use this technique to alter the source code and convert it into bad code that makes the app vulnerable. Also, they repack the popular app in a container and present it as a new app. The counterfeit app attracts innocent users which harms the reputation of the organization.

The coding superheroes should write the solid source code that’s immune to reverse engineering and tampering activities. The source code encryption is also favored by the developers to make the code unreadable which prevents such attacks.

 Poor data encryption equals death

The data generated through mobile apps is stored in either database or file system in an unencrypted form that makes it vulnerable. Also, when data sharing via mobile apps is interfered or lost in transit, the encryption techniques ensure this not happen.

Data encryption is one of the top data security technologies. It helps to convert meaningful data into a form that no one can understand unless they have a key. It indicates the encrypted data can never be stolen by hackers as they cannot decrypt it without keys.

Don’t play with libraries

The developers often prefer to integrate third-party libraries in the source code to reduce the coding effort. It makes no sense in building things from scratch when they are available effortlessly. The developers should consider only trusted libraries during app development. Otherwise, the fraudsters get a chance to inject malicious code into the source code and exploit the code that makes the app insecure.

Before integrating any library, the developer should do the necessary homework of testing the library’s code and exercise policy controls to prevent hacks.

Secure the authentication

The mobile apps have some form of authentication system to ensure no one can access the app assets during app development. Poor authentication mechanism provides a chance for the malicious attackers to play with the code and other things. The password-based authentication needs to be enhanced to ensure no one can access the system illegally.

The two-layer authentication involved OTP usage, and biometric authentication that includes- retina display, facial recognition, fingerprints, and body gestures are proven to be more secure.

Strong server-side controls

The app developers get the security flaws injected into the app when they use unauthorized APIs to make things easier in the short term. The unauthorized APIs allow the hackers to access the server-side data through the mobile apps easily. It’s essential to shield the back-end services to prevent exposing the business system before the attackers.

The developers should verify the API at a central authorization place to ensure only authorized personnel can access the server thereby improving mobile app security.

Testing is a must

The developers cannot specify when the malware make the app code malicious. It’s better to deploy tamper detection tools that send an alert to the developers when the code is modified. By keeping a log of all the changes made to the app code, the developers can smell the suspicious code and handle the situation accordingly.

Pen testing is also a good approach to test the developed app before deployment to identify all the loopholes that can break the app security at a later stage. It rigorously tests the mobile application security to ensure business success.

Top mobile app testers follow the step-by-step process of mobile app testing that helps to develop an application that is bug and error free.

Diminish critical data Storage

Developers when developing the app, the log of changes made to code, and other sensitive data when stored in local memory, it puts the data security at stake. The developers can enable the auto-delete option to reduce the data size in the log. Also, if sensitive data is essential to store, then data encryption is the best technique to shield the data from attackers.

Avoid outdated cryptography techniques usage

The encryption technique is a powerful weapon that developers have, but it can’t maximize mobile app security unless the key management is done using the latest encryption methods. Embracing modern cryptography techniques is a need of the hour to meet the alarming security requirements.

The AES 256-bit encryption, 512-bit encryption, and SHA 256-bit encryption techniques are the latest modern encryption techniques that developers leverage the most.

Eliminate SSL concerns

The data sharing in transit is kept secured with SSL certificates. Sometimes, the developers forget to check SSL applications detail and implementation, which is if unsecured, the attackers can easily exploit the data moving from client to server and server to client-side. The broken and unverified SSL certificate invites the hackers for data theft and makes leakages in data privacy. The developers should take care of SSL implementation alongside all the security measures taken.

Grant limited privileges

Creating roles and responsibilities helps in restricting the data access for different personnel which increases the mobile app security. The users with special privileges gain the access to all data thereby minimizing the data exposure leads to high security.

Searching for Developers to Create Secure App for you

Wrapping it up

Technology progress is bringing innovations on one hand and creating security risks at another hand when used illegally. Developers need to know how to develop an app securely while avoiding all the security issues before they ruin the app’s performance. The list of common security risks allows developers to mitigate the security risks, which in the end, badly impact brand name, user base, and ROI.

The avid programmers keep the app security tight to not allow any outsider to put a dent in the app security net during app development. follow the best practices to make the app stand out and stay competitive in the market.

Avantika Shergil Avantika Shergil   |  Jun 16, 2022

An enthusiastic Operations Manager at TopDevelopers.co, coordinating and managing the technical and functional areas. She is an adventure lover, passionate traveler, an admirer of nature, who believes that a cup of coffee is the prime source to feel rejuvenated. Researching and writing about technology keeps her boosted and enhances her professional journeying.


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