How to Hire Dedicated App Developers for the World-Class App Development?

Avantika Shergil By Avantika Shergil  |  May 13, 2022  |  App Development Hire Developers
Tips to Hire Dedicated Developers for Your App Development

Mobile app development has connected all parallel lines drawn between real-world problems and technologies. Leveraging technology innovatively with a creative twist has helped businesses engineer their online presence, stand up to customer expectations, and answer the competition. The journey of surviving and thriving in the competitive landscape makes a business successful only when the app idea is executed rightly.

Here comes the role of app developers who cannot only solve problems with mobile app development but make the solution beautiful. Businesses need more doers rather than talkers in terms of app developers. Alas! Mass-production of hardware is possible, but mass-producing human minds is implausible.

Yes, you got it right. Hiring the best team of dedicated developers is a stepping stone to successful project development. It means- business ROI quotient is directly proportional to how you hire dedicated developers.

Why should you hire dedicated developers?

Add diversity

When businesses hire dedicated developers across the globe, the diverse workforce brings their diverse skills to app development. The new shift to remote hiring enables innovative app development, which is impossible with local hiring.

Improved outcome

Hiring remote developers from different location of the world means creating a team that’s well-versed in advanced technologies and have rich experience in playing with tech stack. Such a team can better handle and address unexpected development challenges. Besides, agile development guarantees improved results.

Diminished expenses

Building a team of remote dedicated developers means businesses don’t need to pay monthly wages followed by other liabilities, including- medical insurance, pensions, holidays, and others. The dedicated team’s work based on hours, and they get paid for the same.

There’s no need to set up IT infrastructure, and associated overhead expenses avoided as dedicated teams already have required hardware and software in their arsenal.

High flexibility

The app development project requirements may scale up or down when the project scope changes during the development. It requires companies to augment or reduce the team size, which is possible with dedicated developers hiring. When you hire dedicated developers, the business gets the flexibility to increase or reduce resources.

Reduced time-to-market

In the dynamic age, taking the app to the market at the right time is important. A delay due to the unavailability of resources or required expertise can make the app miss the mark. The dedicated developers with a great expertise and experience in niche development know everything in advance and can make the app released quickly.

Which statistics confirm that you should hire dedicated developers?

Post-pandemic, remote dedicated developers hiring has become the hottest trend. The developers and companies witnessed a bunch of advantages with a dedicated hiring model among all the hiring models for App developers.

According to a survey conducted by Becker Friedman Institute, 30% of employees are more productive and engaged when they work from home. The remote model has saved 62.4 million commuting hours daily, which saved 9 billion hours between March 2020 and September 2020. The improved telecommuting has reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 28% in the USA.

Now, employees feel so comfortable with remote working that 32% of US employees are ready to quit jobs if remote working is not allowed. The flexible remote option enablement is helping in striking the work-life balance, which is directly proportional to employees’ satisfaction and happiness that yields higher productivity.


The survey conducted on US employees and executives has concluded that 73% of executives identified remote working as a successful model that has reduced office space needs by 30%.

FlexJob survey has identified a couple of reasons behind the increased productivity of a dedicated team while working remotely.

Remote-Work-Stats-Trends-Navigating-Work-From-Home-Jobs-FlexJobs (1)

How to hire dedicated app developers for your project? 10 tips that may help you

Do necessary homework for the project

With the increasing demand for app development, it’s essential to create an outline for project requirements before you hire dedicated app developers. It helps in sailing the development boat painlessly. It requires conducting comprehensive research on what the competition is doing, the type of developers they are hiring (location, talent, experience, rankings, and others), and more.

Write job description accurately

When it comes to hiring dedicated developers, it’s important for the HR manager, development team, and the company’s technical executive, you should know the roles and responsibilities of the developer you are looking to hire. The job descriptions must be written in relevance to the project’s requirements such as technical skills, communication skills, things they need to perform, methods they are expected to use, and others.

The well-written job description neither puts off potential candidate nor bring in the unmanageable number of applicants that are not a good fit for the project. Additionally, posting jobs on professional networking sites like- LinkedIn and mobile-friendly websites help in attracting the talent that is performing job search over there.

Shortlist the companies you are looking to hire

After the job posting, you get several options for the development companies to choose from. Here starts your work for narrowing down the list of companies providing dedicated developers for hire. At this stage, only those companies are shortlisted that match business project requirements such as technical proficiency, development location, culture fit, and others.

For instance, when you want to get build a project inexpensively, if you hire dedicated app developers from South Asia, the goal of app development within budget is fulfilled.

Assess the skill sets with interviews

The long-term commitment from dedicated developers is not enough. It must be backed by the necessary talent and skills required for the project’s completion. Asking appropriate questions to the developers can ensure you have the perfect answers that can help you take a decision. Adding a technical round in the interview process helps in measuring the technical expertise and hands-on experience on the technologies and tools of the developers. The interview process is a little painful, but when you hire the right team of dedicated app developers, it’s worth it.

Check if developers agree with the company’s mission and vision

Nowadays, focusing solely on technical prowess is not sufficient. Instead, when the businesses want to hire dedicated developers, it’s essential to check whether selected developers sync with the company’s mission and vision or not. The working style, dynamism, creative ideas presentation, and cultural differences must be verified so that they won’t play with the business’s core values and create conflicts in the future.

Make the existing team a part of the hiring process

When businesses hire dedicated developers to create a hybrid team on the floor. Seamless collaboration and communication among all the members are important. It’s better to involve the existing team in the hiring process. For instance, making UI/UX designer a part of UI designer selection makes them feel valued and create a positive impact on the candidates. Plus, it helps in making insightful decisions.

Don’t forget to check the portfolio

When you outsource the project to a development company or hire dedicated app developer, it’s essential to check they stay to their words regarding mobile app development. It’s verified by asking them to show their portfolio or previous work experiences that showcase whether they had the required knowledge and experience in niche technology, coding, quality development, and faster turnaround time. It helps you know whether they are the right choice for development or not.

Analyze the communication skills

Irrespective of the way developers work on the app development, be it inside the office or in a hybrid style, the communication stays at the heart of hassle-free development. Straight, transparent, and consistent communication among developers is vital to make them work collaboratively, perform to the notch, and deliver the solution before the deadline.

Not only developers, but encouraging interaction with clients help in communicating the feedback and scope changes to the dedicated developers at speed. There are various modes of communication such as phone, email, Skype, Slack, and other apps that are used for better interactions.

Facilitate app submission or not

The businesses consider that app submission is a part of the app development process, which dedicated developers will perform. However, it’s not necessary for all developers. It’s better to ask before you hire dedicated app developers whether they submit the app to the app store or not. Sometimes, the developers charge extra dollars for the app submission. Making things clear would help in avoiding future conflicts.

Support maintenance services

The dedicated developers are considered freelancers, which is not true. When you expect dedicated developers to provide the post-development maintenance services, it means they are ready to meet business IT needs for the long run. It shows the company provides a team of dedicated app developers who works consistently and helps in leapfrogging the competition.

How much does it cost to hire dedicated app developers for your next project?

Mobile app development has become an integral part of society. The businesses joined the gold rush to make the most out of the lucrative opportunities that are hidden in plain sight. The app development cost is an important factor that can make the businesses interested or deters them from app development. If you are the one with a unique app idea and looking for the app development cost estimation, then here’s the app development cost breakdown that helps you.

The app development cost count on several factors that are explained below.

Development partner selection

The mobile app development company’s reputation and reliability are directly proportional to the app development cost. When you hire dedicated app developers from such companies, it’s an expensive endeavor, but a full-fledged solution is worth it. Always look at the value for money you get since the ROI is an important factor that needs to be taken into consideration.

App development company location

The app development cost varies from one region to another. For instance, when you hire dedicated developers from the UK (up to $75) or the USA (Up to $70), they are four times costlier than India (Up to $25) or Ukraine developers (Up to $40). The remote developers’ location creates a wide difference in the app development budget.

Hiring models

The app development companies provide different hiring models so that the companies can work the way they want. You will find a list of the top app development companies on TopDevelopers that provides different hiring models such as – time and material, fixed cost, and hourly rate-based models.

Technology stack

The project scope and technology stack defined by the businesses have a great impact on the app development cost. As the number of functionalities increases and the selection of tech stack gets advanced, the cost surges accordingly as they need more talented and proficient developers.

Complexity level

The app with different complexity levels- simple apps, mid-level apps, and complex apps requires different time, effort, and costs involved. The difference in features and UI design has a direct impact on the app development cost. The simple app costs approx. $25,000, mid-level app costs approx. $50,000, and large-sized app costs approx. $80.

Number of platforms

Native app development is considered far better than cross-platform app development in terms of quality, but it costs much higher. Building native apps for Android and iOS platform costs around $30,000 for each platform and cross-platform apps costs around $20,000 for multiple platforms.

How to find and choose best company for Clone app development?

Closing thoughts

Hiring a team of dedicated app developers is not an easy endeavor. The right team selection can make the business successful and when does not align well with your requirements, it ends up as a major concern resulting in bigger setbacks for the business. The job of dedicated developers hiring is serious but becomes a breeze when the businesses follow the aforementioned tips aptly. The good practices and rich insights result in hiring dedicated developers that are the best fit.

If you are stuck somewhere or need assistance, send your requirements to us and we will help you find the best-dedicated developers who can help you achieve grandeur success.

Avantika Shergil Avantika Shergil   |  May 13, 2022

An enthusiastic Operations Manager at, coordinating and managing the technical and functional areas. She is an adventure lover, passionate traveler, an admirer of nature, who believes that a cup of coffee is the prime source to feel rejuvenated. Researching and writing about technology keeps her boosted and enhances her professional journeying.


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